Helen Gregory 2

Helen Gregory

Senior Toxicologist

RSB/BTS and European Registered Toxicologist

Helen joined bibra in 2017, having previously worked as an analytical chemist and forensic toxicologist for nearly twenty years. She has an honours degree in biochemistry and toxicology from the University of Surrey and is a RSB/BTS and European Registered Toxicologist (ERT).

Helen has worked for clients from a range of industrial sectors, including consumer products, food/food contact, pharmaceuticals and medical devices. She routinely performs hazard and/or risk assessments on chemicals, including additives, flavourings, pharmaceutical impurities, degradants, and extractables and leachables. She also evaluates the biocompatibility and safety of medical devices in compliance with ISO 10993 and ISO 18562. Another area of interest is endocrine disruptors and the regulation thereof. Helen has produced extensive reviews of the state-of-the science for clients, and has been involved in data collation for plant protection products.

Helen is also involved in the production of bibra’s monthly publication, Toxicology and Regulatory News, writing and/or peer-reviewing brief evaluative summaries describing critical developments and reports relevant to the field of mammalian toxicology.

Following a brief “rest” over the various Covid lockdowns, Helen hopes to return to her work as a STEM ambassador. In her remaining spare time, she enjoys yoga and Pilates, cooking and reading Scandinavian crime thrillers. She doesn’t enjoy running but will apparently “grow to love it”.

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