REACH services

We are a leading supplier of REACH compliance services, assisting chemical manufacturers, importers and downstream users comply with their REACH Regulation responsibilities. Our internationally renowned team of experienced scientific experts provide a complete and extensive range of services related to chemical toxicology, supporting you in all stages of your REACH registrations and beyond. Indeed, bibra scientists contributed to the scientific and regulatory content of the official ECHA guidance documents.

Principal toxicologist, Chris Waine, has written an article for Speciality Chemicals Magazine on "Improving REACH dossier quality prior to evaluation". Click here to read his thoughts on the importance of updating your REACH registration dossier before an ECHA evaluation is underway.

Track record

We have worked on hundreds of successful REACH lead and co-registrations for the three REACH deadlines, on for example, precious metals, petrochemical additives, SVHCs, fragrances and intermediates. Our clients have included Consortia and companies of all sizes. We continue to be heavily involved in REACH, assisting several Consortia with their responses to complex Evaluation-driven Compliance Check decisions involving human health. When it comes to meeting these REACH requirements, therefore, we are very well placed to assist you.


The CLP Regulation goes hand-in-hand with REACH. All registrants are required to consider the human health hazards of their substances and include an appropriate Classification and Labelling proposal in the registration dossier. As experts in toxicological hazard characterisation with a long track-record of successful REACH submissions, we are your ideal partners for CLP-related tasks.


REACH and CLP submissions are prepared in the IUCLID software. We have worked with this programme for many years, and are familiar with its formats and peculiarities. Our dedicated IUCLID server is constantly backed up, ensuring the utmost protection of your data.

Helpful information

REACH regulation

Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH).

CLP regulation

Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures.

Some of our case studies in this area

Updating REACH dossiers following ECHA Evaluation decisions

Case study

Manufacturers of chemicals in, or importers into, the European Union are required under the REACH regulation to submit a dossier of information on their substances to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The Agency can, after evaluating the information provided by the registrant, require the company to update or amend their dossier, including with the addition of new experimental data. This is called a “Compliance Check decision”

REACH registration of nearly 100 related metal compounds

Case study

Manufacturers of chemicals in, or importers into, the European Union are required under the REACH regulation to submit a dossier of information on their substances to ECHA.

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